My Honey~ I am not sure what to say about John. Here are a few words that describe my husband: funny, sweet, HOTTTT, smart, loving, compassionate, hard-working, giving, FUN, snuggly, musculely angel from Heaven (per Nancy) Best friend, soul mate, the love of my life. We have an amazing relationship. Everyone that knows us---agrees. We are a perfect match.GOD MADE JOHN JUST FOR ME! There is nothing more to say. We talked about Valentine's day and I went looking for a card. It was strange...many of them are for people that only get shown affection once a year or so. I feel, with John, that I have Valentine's everyday. He treats me like a queen. He spoils me with his actions and I could not feel more loved. He is my angel. I could never ask for more in a husband.....a christian man that loves me and our children to death and there is nothing he would not do for us. I just pray that he feels loved everyday. I could not live a second without him! I love you baby! Thanks for making my life perfect. Below are some pictures over the pictures of the last three years.
I cried. Perfection. God is so good. Enjoy these times, sister. I love you both.