Monday, February 1, 2010


I was on my way home today and I saw a HORRIBLE accident. Chase was only 15 mins behind me. You could not even recognize the vehicle. A telephone pole was almost knocked over. I prayed for the family as passed. I thought about my dear friends--Kim and Cathy, they were in a serious accident almost in that same spot--by the tower. A friend of John's told him that it was a boy that just turned 16 not too long! He is in the hospital and they are not sure if he will make it. Tears rolled down my face when I heard that. It is too real for me since Chase is on that road a lot. Death is all around and I know that. My friend just lost her husband, her best friend~ in a plane accident. GOD IS GOOD and I know He has a plan. Pray for my son who drives daily!

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