Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve thoughts

I know this is not like me to simply write down my thought without any photos attached but here goes. We just want everyone to know that we realize how blessed we are when we look around us. It is sometimes hard to grasp or think about what others are going through and that our life can be changed in a second!! It might be the time of year or just God opening our eyes to those around us. We feel the need to help others arounds us--strangers and friends. We have ALL of our NEEDS met and MANY of our WANTS met too. We have love, jobs, shelter and food!! We just realize that above all and friends matter the most. I know I have always felt that way, but for some reason I feel it more. I cherish visiting with family and friends and the memories we make on a weekly basis. It not about special holidays but everyday relationships.You know who you are! JESUS IS THE REASON THE SEASON!! Merry Christmas and be thankful! ~john and jenn

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