Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nolan's Sixth Grade Graduation

On Tuesday, we went to Nolan's 6th grade graduation. Wow, where in the world does the time gooooooo?? I know you all think I am crazy with the anixety that is creeping up with Chase but NOLAN AT THE HIGH that is ridiculous!:) Anyway, I am very proud of Nolan and the year he has had in sixth grade. He is becoming a young man and that is so strange...He recieved many awards to be proud of. Way to go Nolan, you ROCK!! You will do amazing as a seventh grader! I can't wait to cheer you on in the stands as a junior high athlete and Chase as a senior!! 2 Julius' in one school..NUTS!

So handome.....

4 of the most important people in our lives...they mean the absolute world to me and the rest of my family. I could not make it without my best friend and sis. Thanks for allowing us to share in your lives. Life is fun with you!

Boys will be boys...

Me and my Nol-leeee!

He is not very lovey-dovey BUT I am!!!So I have just told him over and over that Aunt Jenn is and he has to get over it!!! Even though I exercise his hatred for picture-taking and hugs and kisses, he still loves me :)

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